Zhuang Hong Yi


Born in 1962 in Sichuan Province, China, Zhuang Hong Yi lives and works between The Netherlands & Beijing. ​​The flower motif dominates Zhuang Hong Yi's work - a significant image in Chinese culture which carries countless meanings and emotions yet with equally strong associations with the Netherlands, world famous for its flowers - and he works patiently and religiously on this subject year after year, intricately crafting his works with care and forethought. Zhuang's well known and highly collected 'flower bed' works are crafted from delicate pieces of painted rice paper, which he has bent and folded into hundreds of tiny buds.


Zhuang has developed his technique from working with a single uniform colour to creating dual- and multiple-coloured works that subtly shift from one dominant colour to another as you move your body and eyes from one side of the work to the other, adding movement, contrast and surprise to the works. Using the traditional Chinese material of rice paper, the works represent Chinese aesthetics, meditations on colour, nature and form, whilst the emphasis on technique and uniformity and the focus on his handling of material are all lessons adopted from the Sichuan College of Fine Arts, where he first studied.